At the Eildon Tree (2021)

Cover painting of “Patient Dignity” - a collaborative project between art and poetry

Patient Dignity 2021 - This collaborative book Patient Dignity reflects on the pandemic during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. It has a collection of my paintings of Scottish landscapes that I created during this period. The inspiration for these paintings came from my daily walks into the woods and the Scottish hills in and around Edinburgh and are set alongside the poems composed by award winning poet and author Dr Bashabi Fraser (CBE). The poems and the paintings reflect on the pandemic and our deep connection with Scotland and India.

The book was launched at St Vincent’s Chapel on 19 November 2021 as part of the Book Week Scotland. The event was chaired by Alan Spence where an exhibition of the paintings was also held. The book is published by Scotland Street Press and sold by Golden Hare Books.

Many of the paintings within this book are listed on the page SHOP.

Original paintings and prints are available for sale. Do get in touch if interested. Email me at